Wednesday, November 2, 2011

UN warns Syria to stop military action

After Egypt, Libya , and now Syria conflict again government seems still covering around the middle east.  Friday 28th of November, hundred of demonstrator  march on  again the president Basher AL ASSAD. They sue  Al Assad to  move from his sovereignty, but  Al Assad answer the demonstrator’s  sue with took a military action. Activist said Syrian forces killed more than 50 civilians in the last 48 hours.  Al Assad`s responded for a demonstrators triggered  the U.N to take a part in order to solve the problem in Syria. The U.N general Secretary  Ban KI- moon forced Al Assad to stop the violence in his country.  Al Assad`s responds also had been criticized by the Arab league who force Al Assad to stop military action again the civilian. Al Assad claimed, there were some mistakes that occurred  when the army tried  to stop demonstrator, but he said that was normal, and  those mistakes would not be happen in the future. No matter what Al Assad`s reason to justify his action it was unacceptable, there were many casualties from the civilian due to his decision to take military action.  Al Assad said that him self has ready to face again the critics that would come to him, especially from western, because  Syria is different In every respect from Libya, Yemen, Egypt and Tunisia.  NATO  forces may had succeeded to kill the ex  Libyan president Moammar Khadafy  but  Syria is different.  Syria has unique position either  geographic or politic.  Geographically Syria is the place when two tectonic  plates are met , so if there is any body who will make aggression he will trigger an earthquake around the world. Al Assad said the western`s plan to make an aggression to  Syria will take a huge cost and risk their economic stability. western countries  (NATO) should consider about  their plan  to take military action again president Al Assad. Politically Syria plays an important role in middle east, if NATO still hard to do an invasion , it will disturb an economic stability around  Europe and middle east.

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