Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today terror and threaten has become  something usual,   right to gain a welfare  and free from any intimidation has been ignored.  Arrogance and greed have controlled the government`s mind and make them forget about their main responsibility to protect and guarantee people to get their rightness.  It occurs  in every sector of Indonesia national policy. The president as the commander of chief who take a control of national policy has failed to endure the national politic stability. there are many facts that has been shown by the media which shows government`s ulcer.  It makes People lost his passion to involve in political activity, it is due to the failure in our bureaucracy.  It become  worst when the education system also become an object of government`s dirty project. Education is very important, it takes an important role to support a national advancement , if the main goal of education it self has been ignored, it will be difficult too for a country to built its strong  and well-educated generation. As an element to determine the key of success in the education system , government has failed to provide a free paying school for poor people, and makes their children can not become a well- educated person. their right to get a better education has been ignored just because they can not pay a high cost for school. Some horrible incidents occur and force people who experts in education  to take a lot  care about the education system.  they worry and care about the education system. education which should become a machine to guide people to be better  now become another government`s dirty project. money and gold pursue them to destroy our education system, and bring our young generation to the dark valley which isolate them from modern civilization. It is very embarrassing, Indonesia is a big country which million of people live in it, should become the most powerful country in ASIA, but in fact government`s greediness has disabled the function of education it self.   One of his greediness is, the national examination problem  even though it claimed invective by some experts to be the graduate parameter but it is still used till now. Why it seems so hard to believe the school establish his own graduate parameter, while for curriculum the school has been given a policy to make their own curriculum. It  is very strength, the unstable policy will make the students confuse and disturb their study. But does the government care about it? the answer is NO THEY DON`t CARE. National examination has become another government`s dirty project that will increase their income. us....we need a better place to study.. !!!!!!!

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