Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the effects of game online

Today the development of technology has grown rapidly and no one who could stop and control it. it hold the key of life of some people especially people who live in the city. Long time ago only some persons who use the technology to mobilize their life, but today people from many backgrounds and experience can use and will use the technology to support their mobilization. Development of technology brings many things that people never thought and imagine before. One of those things is online game. What is online game anyway? Online game is a computer game that provide by the internet. Online game is one of favorite leisure activity, people from different age and background fight to be the winner in a competition that provided by online game provider. People who like online game very much and has spent  all his time to pay online game said that  online game is very fun, only with a little cost we will feel different adrenalin.
Some people may said that online game may be fun  to do in a free time, but beside that online game has a dangerous effect for our mentality or health. Online game according to some research may be beneficial because it can train and allow our mind to think faster then usual. More ever an adventure game it will give the people who play it different felling and it practice him to make a mind mapping in his brain. Despite of these advantages only game also keeping a dangerous effect for student`s mentality. I have ten list of effect that dangerous for mental and health
  1. An increase in emotional disorder symptoms
  2. An increase in and behavioral disorder symptoms
  3. Declines in verbal memory performance
  4. Somatic complaints
  5. Attention problems such as hyperactivity, ADD or ADHD
  6. Detrimental school performance (as video game usage increases, GPA and SAT scores decrease)
  7. Family interaction problems such as less positive parental relations
  8. Significant reduced amounts of slow-wave (REM) sleep
  9. Modifications in visual selective attention
  10. Playing violent video games is a significant risk factor for later physically aggressive behavior
From those effects we may take a conclusion that addicted in online game may could change one`s psychology  and his mentality, so that the parent and teacher must become the first  element that give an advice and suggestion to the children. They should be aware the risk of increasing aggressive behavioral is real.

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