welcome to ar ruhama islamic elementary school blog. in this blog you can see, watch and comment about Ar ruhama islamic elementary school video and photos that has been up loaded by the official web team. before you can start your tour in Ar ruhama`s blog, it would be better if we describe little about Ar ruhama Islamic elementary school.
first of all, thanks to Allah the lord of the universe who has created all things in the world and because of his blessed we can see the beautiful of world, peace and salutation just for our prophet Muhammad SAW who had introduced us to Islam. for many years we have waited the existence of islamic elementary school in Tanggerang selaten, actually what kind of islamic Elementary school that we wanted?? a good school is a school which has a good curricula, supported by the professional teachers, and it has a comfortable places for study. Ar ruhama is one of a private islamic elementary school that we think appropriate to the standard.
Ar ruhama Islamic elementary school was founded by Mr. abu Yasir Kamino Spd.i Ms.i in 2008, its located in Jaln Japos raya No. 24 south of tangerang. here you can see the structure organism of the school.
Head master = Mr. abu Yasir kamino Spd.i Ms.i
vice head master = Umi Sulasah Spd.i
chief of curriculum academic = Sutarni Spd
chief for student discipline = Ema S.E
1stA class teacher= Emi Spd.i
1stB class teacher= Umi H. Spd.i
2ndA Class teacher= Nurul B. Spd
2ndB Class teacher= Abrorruni Spd.i
3rd Class= Lia Spd.i
4thA Class= Ema S.E
4thB Class = Iswarno. Spd.i
5th Class= sutarni Spd
Staff and Extracurricular teacher = Bayu, Bambang J.A, Rusmanto Spd.i, Novy Spd,
those are teachers and staff that have been prepared to teach every Ar ruhama student. in Ar ruhama students not only learn about the lesson like math, science and language, but they also learn about the islam and its rule. for next year the head master of ar ruhama islamic school M.r Kamino.Spd.i Ms.i planned two use Bilingual program, where the student must speak English or Arabic in every conversation no matter in class or in out class.
so that for next year perhaps the Ar ruhama Islamic elementary school will open registration for foreign student who live in indonesia. these are a little description about Ar ruhama Islamic elementary School thangs to open this blog, hopefully you join this blog to follow the Advance of ar ruhama Islamic Elementary School.
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