Sunday, October 16, 2011


many people have studied foreign language, English is one of famous foreign language in Indonesia. English is always learned in many schools. Students are considered successful in language if they can use the language for speaking or writing. Many Indonesian learners have failed in their study, especially in foreign language because of their disability to learn it, or sometime it appears because the method that used to teach is not correlated with the topic.  In this case , language can function as an interaction or transaction. To use as an interaction, language is used to make a contact with other people, as a transaction language is used for doing a business. There are many ways to improve speaking skill but the most effective way to improve it, is by using drama. Drama in classroom can be seen from three perspective, as literature, as public performance, drama provide a rich resource for exploring theoretical and practical aspect of language, the improvisation aspects give the student opportunity for developing their communicative competence. In learning foreign language students not only need some theories but also they need a practice to develop and expand their vocabulary, the more they speak in a target language( foreign language) , the more vocabulary too that they memorize. It means, training and motivating students to speak is no to difficult, by giving them more free time to speak it could be better than just give them some theories and vocabularies but they never train and practice how to use it.  drama is a kind of literary writing which is shown by performance and the story retell by the dialogue. Unlike  any another types of literary writing such as poem, or novel, drama give more advantages and free time for the student to practice speak in foreign language and give them experience to show it in front a lot of audience.  Theoretically  in drama the students are encouraged to act and present the story  like a real. It will practice the students mental ability when they  speak in foreign language. Sometime different student`s emotion and motivation will influence their ability in speak foreign language, student with an active and motivated tendency will say everything in target language even though  it is not included in the text. he will try to give the best to the audience, it is different from the student who has a passive and not-motivated tendency, he will get a trouble when he tries to speak in target language. In this case it needs the teacher ability to select a role for the student. teacher`s ability in selecting a role and chosing the students will influence the success of maximize the student`s speaking ability. The target of teaching speaking trough drama is how to make the student glad  can speak in foreign language and make the student enjoy in learning english language. It also could be usefull to gives the student fresh air to breath after giving them a lot of theory.

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